Friday, February 22, 2008

Gareth turns 1!!! Happy Birthday!

Gareth turned 1 on Feb 15th. He had his party of Sunday the 17th to allow family and friends to be with him and help him celebrate. It was a great time, he did get tired of opening gifts and Mom and Dad had to help him. He was very good and enjoyed the day! Hope you enjoy the photos. Sorry the photos are out of order...I am still learning this thingy!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Previous visits and photos

These are some photos take during my previous visits to Jeff's home. Jeremy was there and I got a photo of him holding Gareth. Jeremy is a very proud Uncle!! The photo of Gareth in the Johnny Jump Up was taken during the June 2, visit from Jeff and Gareth at my home. As you can see, Gareth is growing up very quickly...but the smiles are just so beautiful! He seems to be such a happy his daddy was for me!!

Gareth has come to visit!!!

Gareth and Jeff came down to visit on Friday, July 28th. Great Grandpa Kivler arrived and we got to spend some great time together. Jeff and I took Gareth for a walk and Gareth loved it! Gareth got to play with some of the toys here and was full of smiles all afternoon and early evening. He is getting soooo big! Jeff is a wonderful Dad, doting and all! I loved holding my grandson and spending so much valuable time with him and Jeff. I hope the return real soon...Gareth is growing up soooo fast! I hope the pics come through for you to see....what beautiful smiles!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Here is Jeffrey feeding Gareth. Gareth is just shy of a month old!

Jeffrey works real hard for a burp...Gareth is a hard burper!

Jeffrey and Gareth share some special time!

Jeffrey, Angel and Gareth, March 12, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

This is Morgan's beautiful smile!!! I am such a proud Grandmother!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Grandchildren have arrived!

Jessica and Paul gave me my granddaughter, "Morgan Grace", on January 29th 2007!

Jeffrey and Angel gave me my grandson, "Gareth Allen", on February 15th 2007!

I consider myself very lucky to have received such beautiful grandchildren into my family! I will try to keep this updated with new photos as I receive them.

I was out in Wisconsin, meeting Morgan, when Gareth arrived. What a time I had! Morgan is a beauty, just like her mom and we all learned lots from each other. She was this close to a smile when I had to leave and return home. Morgan is a precious bundle, as you can see from the photos. Jessica and Paul are planning a trip to NH to bring Morgan to visit in October 2007! I can hardly stand the wait!!!

When I arrived home from Wisconsin, I went straight to Jeffrey's home to meet my grandson, Gareth. He is adorable! Such a quiet little boy, but a joy to behold! Gareth looks like his daddy, when he was a tiny bundle. He will bring lots of joy to everyone he meets!